Prof. Dr. Holger Matt

Prof. Dr. Holger Matt


  • Born 1960.
  • Practice Area Banking apprenticeship from 1979 to 1981.1981 to 1987 studied law and philosophy in Frankfurt am Main. Doctorate in 1993 (“summa cum laude”) with the dissertation “Causality from freedom – Fundamental legal and philosophical principles of the effect of actions and omission in (criminal) law”. Awarded the Eduard Martin Prize from Saarland University.
  • Email
  • Phone: +49-69-9055520
  • Mobile phone +49-179-2928647

Professional appointments

  • From 1985 to 1989 academic assistant in the Institute of Criminology at Johann Wolfgang
    Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main
  • From 1990 to 1993 academic member of staff in the department of criminal law, criminal
    procedural law, philosophy of law and sociology of law and at the Institute of Law and Social Philosophy at Saarland University in Saarbrücken
  • From 1992 to 2006 assistant lecturer in criminal law, criminal procedural law and judicial legislation at various universities
  • Since 1994 lecturer on various law courses in the area of criminal defence and for specialist lawyer training (including the German Bar Association (DAV))
  • In 2006 appointed honorary professor by Johann Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, teaching criminal law and criminal procedural law
  • Expert in numerous expert hearings on matters of (national and international) criminal law and criminal procedural law in Germany and Europe (including the Federal Constitutional Court)
  • Since 2009 advisor to the European Commission in Brussels on criminal law and criminal procedural law
  • Since 2000 specialising in criminal law. Since 1999 a member of Strauda (Criminal Law Committee of the German Federal Bar)
  • 2003 to 2008 Vice-Chairman of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA)
    Since 2008 Chairman the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA)
  • Since 1989 numerous lectures and publications in the areas of criminal law, criminal procedural law, philosophy of law, legal policy and legal training

Committee work

  • 1997-2005 On the board of Germany’s Criminal Defence Association Deutsche Strafverteidiger e.V.
  • 1999 Member of Strauda (Criminal Law Committee of the German Federal Bar)
  • 2003 Representing the interests of criminal defence lawyers, Vice Chairman of the
    European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA)
  • 2008 Chairman of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA)
  • 2004 Representative of the ECBA, permanent guest member of the Criminal Law Committee of the CCBE
  • 2003-2005 Member of the Council of the International Criminal Bar (ICB), legal representation at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague

Publishers/Permanent Collaboration

  • NJECL New Journal of European Criminal Law. Founded in 2006.
  • Sage London Matt/Renzikowski, Commentary on the StGB, 2013, C.H. Beck/Vahlen, 2nd edition in preparation
  • ZWH Commercial Criminal Law and Corporate Liability, established 2010


  • Causality out of Freedom (also dissertation at Saarland University), 1994, Nomos Verlag, 226 pages
  • Criminal Law General Part I (textbook/study book),1996, C.H. Beck, 295 pages
  • Matt/Renzikowski, Commentary on the StGB, § 266 (embezzlement), § 266a (withholding and embezzlement of remuneration), § 356 (party council), 2013, C.H. Beck/Vahlen, 2nd edition 2020
  • Löwe-Rosenberg StPO Großkommentar, §§ 304 – 311 a, 25th/26th edition, Walter de Gruyter, 27th edition in preparation


German, English

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